The Old barn in Coeur D' Alene, Idaho

The Old barn in Coeur D' Alene, Idaho
Welcome to my blog, this picture is my frist blue ribbon.

About Me

My photo
I have a great Interest in Photography, I love reading and learning, I enjoy many different ways of expressing my talents in art. I Like culinary food art, carving fruit and vegetables and catering parties. I like drawing and water coloring as well. Other activities I enjoy are dancing, golfing, racquetball and bowling. However, my favorite things to do is travel, eating out and taking pictures along the way. I am a member of the Nevada camera club. It is one of the best ways of learning Photography because you get to learn will doing. I learn so much from the other members, their classes and field trips. What pushes me the most is their competitions. I am currently learning photo shop on my computer, That might take me a few years though.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Friday my town shoot out...

FMTSO... is on. What is pink in your town? 

I had to look around  and this is what I found.
A pink cherry tree.
Pink wings.
Pink flowers.
Pink grass.
A pink cactus.
And what's Las Vegas with out Pink neon.
So this brought a memory of the hockey game I went a while back, because I took the picture of the neon sign coming out of the game.  I know the game doesn't have any thing to do with pink but I did capture a story there.
There was this pink banner in there.
OK, I am watching at the game,
Lets go Wranglers!
This fight breaks out,
gloves start coming off,
I get a close up.
Things start getting pretty intense.
Helmets start flying.
Shirts are being striped off.
Fists start flying.
Hey buddy, your going down.
Oh oh Ref's are moving in.
Okay knock it off.
Fights over.
Games back on.
Such a bummer we lost,  it was a fun game though.

Anyway that's all I have for pink Friday   Have a great weekend see you soon. 


Bagman and Butler said...

Bagman and I loved the hockey fight and were glad you put it in even though it was a real stretch to fit it into the pink theme.

EG CameraGirl said...

Ha! I love that you included the hockey photos. :)) I'm not sure I have ever seen a pink cactus!

Unknown said...

A pink Cactus. Who would have thought it. Pretty neat.

MizzKay said...

I got so engrossed in the hockey fight I forgot it was a pink theme. Great pinks. Great fight. Great blog.

Sarah Sullivan said...

Oh what fun!!! Those pink flowers are amazing...what a stunning shot!! Loved the hockey shots! Wonderful shootout!!!
You asked about my 5th shot..the little fish swimming in the seashells...I usually do those little ocean gardens in pen and ink and colored pencil on paper..but I was experimenting with ink on canvas fabric for bags. That was my first attempt. Thanks for asking:) Sarah

Jama said...

I've never seen pink cactus before, thanks for sharing them, now I know they do exist in this world!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

love the pink wings, the sign and the cactus, lots of pretty pink

Unknown said...

great shots of the hockey game! you found quite a variety of pinks. and I knew there would have to be pink neon being from Vegas. was the cactus spray painted or is that the natural color?

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